巴菲特果然神準!美股暴跌前已大減持股 最大原因曝光
離譜!包機竟遭無情丟包受困2天 170人到機場才知飛機早飛走
爆婚外情請辭!最短命交長上任僅92天 李孟諺回鍋政院任顧問
紐時賞析/1992年美男籃夢幻隊唯一敗績 回顧那場鮮為人知的練習賽
Grant Hill is a seven-time NBA All-Star, Chris Webber a five...
紐時賞析/納粹集中營解放80周年 倖存者警告:反猶、極端主義正崛起
Dozens of world leaders, including Britain’s king and the pr...
紐時賞析/「保衛多元文化」不再管用?川普返白宮 美民主黨苦尋出路
The Democratic Party is having an identity crisis about iden...
紐時賞析/疫情結束仍未反彈…美孩童閱讀力跌至新低 專家也沒轍
In the latest release of federal test scores, educators had ...
紐時賞析/白宮發動大內宣 社群網站影片展現川普驅逐移民承諾
In a two-minute, 47-second video posted on the White House s...
紐時賞析/TikTok改寫出版業行銷策略 推「豪華包裝」延長暢銷書壽命
Last year, a romance publisher took an expensive gamble on t...
紐時賞析/川普若兌現關稅威脅 加拿大將採取數十億美元報復措施
The Canadian government is preparing billions of dollars in ...
紐時賞析/54年阿塞德政權垮台 追究罪行成新領導人最大挑戰
There seem to be no limits to the dark revelations laid bare...
紐時賞析/川普喊遣返百萬非法移民 宏都拉斯威脅驅逐美軍
Honduras’ president threatened to push the U.S. military out...
紐時賞析/避難所成鬼鎮…撤離俄軍戰火下的烏克蘭城市 傷亡風險高
Vasyl Pipa is not a Ukrainian soldier, but his job can be as...
紐時賞析/拜登任內任命235名法官 女性、有色人種人數超越歷任總統
President Joe Biden celebrated the confirmation of 235 feder...
紐時賞析/不只大都市受影響 AI如何重塑美國的人口和勞力市場版圖?
Chattanooga, Tennessee, a midsize Southern city, is on no on...
紐時賞析/曾為「國會最窮議員」 拜登面對川普勝選的反思與遺憾
President Joe Biden has less than a month to go until his on...
紐時賞析/當「魔戒」碰上日本動畫 導演神山健治如何呈現?
When Warner Bros. approached filmmaker Peter Jackson and his...
紐時賞析/捐鉅款、發文讚揚…川普重返白宮成真 科技巨頭討好獻媚
Meta. Amazon. OpenAI’s Sam Altman. Each of these Silicon Val...
紐時賞析/周休3日不減薪!英92%參與公司願意續辦 營收無負面影響
On a recent Wednesday morning, Matt Kimber did not sign into...
紐時賞析/全球暖化…中俄對北極興趣漸增 加拿大升級軍事設備保護
Citing growing interest by China and Russia in the Arctic as...