「柯爸還好嗎?」柯文哲停留醫院半小時 面色凝重沉默離開
日JR長野站前爆隨機傷人…3人遭持刀襲擊急送醫 其中1人心肺停止
花旗銀行高階女主管陳屍英國住處 「頭部遭重創」疑認識凶嫌
紐時賞析/川普喊遣返百萬非法移民 宏都拉斯威脅驅逐美軍
Honduras’ president threatened to push the U.S. military out...
紐時賞析/避難所成鬼鎮…撤離俄軍戰火下的烏克蘭城市 傷亡風險高
Vasyl Pipa is not a Ukrainian soldier, but his job can be as...
紐時賞析/拜登任內任命235名法官 女性、有色人種人數超越歷任總統
President Joe Biden celebrated the confirmation of 235 feder...
紐時賞析/不只大都市受影響 AI如何重塑美國的人口和勞力市場版圖?
Chattanooga, Tennessee, a midsize Southern city, is on no on...
紐時賞析/曾為「國會最窮議員」 拜登面對川普勝選的反思與遺憾
President Joe Biden has less than a month to go until his on...
紐時賞析/當「魔戒」碰上日本動畫 導演神山健治如何呈現?
When Warner Bros. approached filmmaker Peter Jackson and his...
紐時賞析/捐鉅款、發文讚揚…川普重返白宮成真 科技巨頭討好獻媚
Meta. Amazon. OpenAI’s Sam Altman. Each of these Silicon Val...
紐時賞析/周休3日不減薪!英92%參與公司願意續辦 營收無負面影響
On a recent Wednesday morning, Matt Kimber did not sign into...
紐時賞析/全球暖化…中俄對北極興趣漸增 加拿大升級軍事設備保護
Citing growing interest by China and Russia in the Arctic as...
紐時賞析/「太陽地球工程」恐帶來不為人知危險 美建立預警系統偵測
In a guarded compound at the foot of the Rockies, government...
紐時賞析/由「金主」掌川普政府重要經濟職位 將使藍領繁榮或富人受益?
When Donald Trump first ran for the White House in 2016, his...
紐時賞析/拜登任期倒數 布林肯與盟國試圖解決一系列國際問題
The array of issues that top diplomats from the United State...
紐時賞析/川普當選、俄反對派內訌 「反普亭」勢力分裂情況加劇
It was the largest East-West prisoner swap since the Cold Wa...
紐時賞析/乾燥程度逾40年之最 美國東北部野火危機愈演愈烈
Rocky and Ren Hazelman run a chicken farm in West Milford, N...
紐時賞析/科技業職場已政治化?川普2次入主白宮 美科技公司態度大不同
If any industry could have said its workplaces were politici...
紐時賞析/公民自由和國安的取捨 美情報機構備忘錄揭對AI及私人數據規範
A previously confidential directive by Biden administration ...
紐時賞析/數百萬人依賴樹木維生 全球38%樹種面臨滅絕危機
More than one-third of the world’s tree species are threaten...
紐時賞析/應對極端氣候 窮國資金嚴重不足… 川普當選將使談判雪上加霜
After Donald Trump’s election threatened to upend global eff...