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紐時賞析/公民自由和國安的取捨 美情報機構備忘錄揭對AI及私人數據規範


Spy Agency Memo Sets Rules for Using A.I. and Americans’ Private Data

情報機構備忘錄 對AI及私人數據規範

A previously confidential directive by Biden administration lawyers lays out how military and spy agencies must handle personal information about Americans when using artificial intelligence, showing how the officials grappled with trade-offs between civil liberties and national security.


The results of that internal debate also underscore the constraints and challenges the government faces in issuing rules that keep pace with rapid advances in technology, particularly in electronic surveillance and related areas of computer-assisted intelligence gathering and analysis.


The administration had to navigate two competing goals, according to a senior administration official, Joshua Geltzer, the top legal adviser to the National Security Council: “harnessing emerging technology to protect Americans, and establishing guardrails for safeguarding Americans’ privacy and other considerations.”


The White House last month held back the four-page, unclassified directive when President Joe Biden signed a major national security memo that pushes military and intelligence agencies to make greater use of AI within certain guardrails.


After inquiries from The New York Times, the White House has made the guidance public. A close read and an interview with Geltzer, who oversaw the deliberations by lawyers from across the executive branch, offers greater clarity on the current rules that national security agencies must follow when experimenting with using AI.


Training AI systems requires feeding them large amounts of data, raising a critical question for intelligence agencies that could influence both Americans’ private interests and the ability of national security agencies to experiment with the technology. When an agency acquires an AI system trained by a private sector firm using information about Americans, is that considered “collecting” the data of those Americans?


The guidance says that does not generally count as collecting the training data — so those existing privacy-protecting rules, along with a 2021 directive about collecting commercially available databases, are not yet triggered.


Still, the Biden team was not absolute on that question. The guidance leaves open the possibility that acquisition might count as collection if the agency has the ability to access the training data in its original form, “as well as the authorization and intent to do so.”


文/Charlie Savage 譯/羅方妤



無論喜不喜歡,AI正全面進入人類生活各個領域。個人隱私和國家安全(privacy/security)的權衡,只會更複雜。Trade–off當「平衡」解釋時常接between:There has to be a trade-off between quality and quantity if we want to keep prices low.往往有「妥協」的成分:The job pays well. The biggest trade-off is that you have to work long hours.總之,不可兼得。

動詞片語grapple with something有嘗試解決問題的意思,往往是難題,類似deal with,介係詞用with:The Government has to grapple with the problem of unemployment.動詞片語lay out在本文是計畫或解釋某事的細節:He laid out the reasons for his decision.

Navigate原意是導航,常見象徵用法,找出解決複雜困難問題的正確方式,後面可接through:We have had to carefully navigate (our way) through a maze of rules and regulations.

人工智慧 拜登 紐時賞析 美國 隱私


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