
爆婚外情請辭!最短命交長上任僅92天 李孟諺回鍋政院任顧問

離譜!包機竟遭無情丟包受困2天 170人到機場才知飛機早飛走

遭對方母反對卻情牽40年 68歲陳美鳳認了身邊有個「他」

Love Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung City Government's bimonthly English magazine, introduces the city's major public construction projects, economic development, tourism information, art exhibitions, agricultural products and diverse cuisines. As the City of Kaohsiung continually evolves, Love Kaohsiung hopes to introduce the prevailing topics and ideas in town. When visiting Kaohsiung, travelers will meet lavish hospitality, the core essence of Kaohsiung and enticing them to come back.

Love Kaohsiung

Love Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung City Government's bimonthly English magazine, introduces the city's major public construction projects, economic development, tourism information, art exhibitions, agricultural products and diverse cuisines. As the City of Kaohsiung continually evolves, Love Kaohsiung hopes to introduce the prevailing topics and ideas in town. When visiting Kaohsiung, travelers will meet lavish hospitality, the core essence of Kaohsiung and enticing them to come back.




台仏カップルが作るクラフトラム酒 台湾ラム酒を世界的なブランドに


10 雜誌



6 雜誌
Photos by Carter | Left: Symbiosis Studi...

Discovering "Me Time" in Kaohsiung

 Because 21st-century life moves so fast, “Me Time” has become essential for relieving stress and reconnecting with oneself. To find inner peace, discover Kaohsiung's blend of nature-inspired living and ceramic art.

4 雜誌
Photo by Carter

Taiwanese French Duo Brings Taiwan's Unique Spirit to the World of Rum!

 Taiwanese French couple Ciou Lin-ya(邱琳雅)and her husband Olivier Caen(剛歐利文)grow sugarcane in Cishan and operate Taiwan's first rum distillery, Renaissance Distillery(文藝復興蘭姆酒廠). Their rum, which is a testament to the unique features of Taiwan's terroir, has received numerous international awards and put Taiwan on the world's rum map.

2 雜誌
Photos by Carter

Gathering Together to Savor the Flavors of Kaohsiung

 Gathering with family and friends is the perfect opportunity to enjoy delicious food. Whether at a Mexican restaurant or indulging in classic Chinese cuisine, there are many restaurants to try in Kaohsiung.

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Moon SPA Hot Spring Camping Area (Photo ...

Spring Camping Fun!

 Spring is an ideal time to go camping in Baolai's hot springs or hidden plum tree groves nestled deep within the mountains of Taoyuan District.

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Photo by Huang Jing-wun

Discover Romantic Cherry Blossoms in Baoshan

 During those weeks when warmth comes briefly but the chill still lingers, spring quietly arrives in Baoshan, nestled in Kaohsiung's Taoyuan District. By the middle of January, cherry blossoms begin to decorate Baoshan Erjituan Cherry Blossom Park(二集團櫻花公園), situated at an altitude of nearly 1,500 meters.

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大切な人との集まりに 高雄のこだわりレストラン


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ピンク色の花の海 宝山はロマンチックな桜の季節


1 雜誌