Discover Romantic Cherry Blossoms in Baoshan

【◎Written by Li Siao-ping ◎Translation by Lin Yu-ciao ◎Photos by Huang Jing-wun】
During those weeks when warmth comes briefly but the chill still lingers, spring quietly arrives in Baoshan, nestled in Kaohsiung's Taoyuan District. By the middle of January, cherry blossoms begin to decorate Baoshan Erjituan Cherry Blossom Park(二集團櫻花公園), situated at an altitude of nearly 1,500 meters.
Lin Wu-syong(林武雄), chairman of the Baoshan Community Development Association(寶山社區發展協會), advises visitors to take advantage of the park's shuttle service during the bloom season, as traffic to the area tends to increase. Using the shuttle helps avoid parking hassles, thus ensuring that everyone can relax and fully immerse themselves in the beauty of Baoshan's springtime charms.
Address: Baoshan Erjituan Cherry Blossom Park(16.5km marker, Tengjhih Forest Rd., Baoshan Ln., Taoyuan Dist., Kaohsiung City)
Phone: (07) 686-1132
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