Spring Camping Fun!

【◎Written by Winnie ◎Translation by Lin Yu-ciao ◎Photos by Carter ◎Photo courtesy of Plum Garden Camping Secret Spot】
Spring is an ideal time to go camping in Baolai's hot springs or hidden plum tree groves nestled deep within the mountains of Taoyuan District.
Moon SPA Hot Spring Camping Area(遠山望月溫泉營區)
Located within Baolai Flower Park and Hot Springs(寶來花賞溫泉公園), this nearly 6-hectare campsite is home to thousands of flowering trees, making it an attractive destination for hot-spring enthusiasts throughout the year. Additionally, visitors can explore the back mountain, which provides access to the Pulaisitou Tribe Historic Battle Trail(浦來溪頭社戰道). This trail boasts breathtaking views of the surrounding valley, offering visitors unforgettable and awe-inspiring experiences.
Moon SPA Hot Spring Camping Area Official Website:
Plum Garden Camping Secret Spot(梅園野營秘境)
Plum Garden Camping Secret Spot is located at Meishankou(梅山口)on the Southern Cross-Island Highway(南橫公路). It is Kaohsiung's first legally certified campsite in indigenous territory. Visit this hidden gem when the plum trees are in blossom, dotting the landscape with snowy white flowers.
Plum Garden Camping Secret Spot Facebook:
Traffic Information
The Southern Cross-Island Highway is currently open with restrictions. Please check real-time road conditions before traveling:
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