1月18日印度外交部長蘇傑生(Subrahmanyam Jaishankar)受邀至孟買納尼•帕吉瓦拉紀念演講會(Nani Palkhivala Memorial Lecture)以「印度與世界」(India and the World)為題,針對印度未來外交政策展望發表演講。
由於孟買為印度經濟活動中心,其與新德里間之關係,猶如上海之於北京,因此誠如蘇傑生在當日演講中所提:“Before I get in to my remarks, let me also underline that my first significant foreign policy address at home in 2025 is taking place outside New Delhi. This reflects our recognition that the stakeholders now extend well beyond the capital and its officialdom. And in fact, messaging from Mumbai serves to emphasize the economic dimensions of our diplomacy. I am sure that Nani Palkhivala would appreciate these shifts in our thinking over the last decade.”。因此蘇傑生演講確實是在陳述過去十年印度外交政策受到經濟情勢影響所產生變化,因此在解讀這篇演講內容時,經濟要素確實必須牢記在心。
中國大陸解讀蘇傑生18日演講內容,都聚焦於演講第14段,專門陳述對中國大陸政策調整內容:“At a time when most of its relationships are moving forward, India confronts a particular challenge in establishing an equilibrium with China. Much of that arises from the fact that both nations are on the rise. As immediate neighbours and the only two societies with over a billion people, their dynamic could never have been easy. But it has been further sharpened by a boundary dispute, by some baggage of history and by differing socio-political systems. Misreadings by past policy-makers, whether driven by idealism or absence of realpolitik, has actually helped neither cooperation nor competition with China. That has clearly changed in the last decade. Right now, the relationship is trying to disentangle itself from the complications arising from the post-2020 border situation. Even as that is being addressed, more thought needs to be given to the longer-term evolution of ties. Clearly, India has to prepare for expressions of China’s growing capabilities, particularly those that impinge directly on our interests. To hold up its own end, a more rapid development of India’s comprehensive national power is necessary. This is not just about correcting the earlier neglect of the border infrastructure and oceanic periphery, but also in mitigating dependence in sensitive domains. There could naturally be practical cooperation, undertaken with due diligence. All in all, India’s approach can be summed up in terms of the three mutuals, i.e., mutual respect, mutual sensitivity and mutual interests. Bilateral ties can also benefit from a greater realization that what is at stake is actually the larger prospects of both nations and, in fact, even of the global order. It needs an acceptance that the emergence of a multi-polar Asia is an essential pre-requisite for a multi-polar world.”(演講全文請參見印度外交部官網:Remarks by External Affairs Minister, Dr. S Jaishankar at Nani Palkhivala Memorial Lecture ‘India and the World’ January 18, 2025;https://www.mea.gov.in/Speeches-Statements.htm?dtl/38925/Remarks+by+External+Affairs+Minister+Dr+S+Jaishankar+at+Nani+Palkhivala+Memorial+Lecture+India+and+the+World)
但平心而論,北京方面學者專家若是僅靠閱讀蘇傑生演講中專門針對中國大陸段落,就希望理解新德里調整對華政策全貌,這才真是以管窺豹。儘管雙方目前關係轉暖,此等政策性發言嚴格說來,僅能算是類似一葉知秋之指標意涵,但西諺亦有「孤燕不成夏」(One swallow doesn't make a summer)警語。若是細讀蘇傑生演講全文,其實就可看出印度對外政策轉變,在相當程度上係因預期美國調整對外政策所致,並且毫不諱言指出北京與華盛頓實力消長與立場變化,對於印太區域確實是關鍵性因素(蘇傑生演講原文為Changes in the weight and the stance of the United States and China are among the key factors contributing to the emergence of the Indo-Pacific as a theatre.)。
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