
These Days, It’s ‘Sexy’ to Be a Republican
Amid a surge of youthful Republicanism in New York and nationwide, there has been an element of social cachet that has often proved elusive: In blunt terms, the word is “cool.”
Indeed, hamstrung by political beliefs that are often in opposition to those of major cultural figures, conservatives have frequently groused about the depiction of them as squares, including President Donald Trump, whose hostile takeover of the Kennedy Center last week was seemingly led by a desire to make the venerable institution “hot.”
“We made the presidency hot,” Trump said, speaking to the newly formed board, according to an audio recording obtained by Jake Tapper of CNN. “So this should be easy.”
It was in that spirit that a clutch of Trump’s younger supporters assembled Wednesday night at Centurion New York, a members-only club on the 55th floor of a building in midtown Manhattan, to celebrate the nascent Republican administration, and assert their fashionableness — and their fealty to the new president.
“POTUS is making it sexy to be Republican again,” said Max Castroparedes, 27, a self-described “international, globe-trotting consultant,” who was using the acronym for “president of the United States.” “He’s making it glamorous to be a Republican again. He’s making it great to be Republican again.”
Castroparedes, a former special assistant at the Department of Homeland Security during Trump’s first term, now works for Montfort, a company based in Palm Beach, Florida, that calls itself “a specialized strategic advisory firm.” He had invited a dozen or so friends to assemble in a glass-walled room of Centurion, framed by sweeping views of the skyline, a soaring wall of wines and an imposing black chandelier.
Men wore ties, women toted vintage Dior purses, and the playlist — said to be imported from Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s estate in Palm Beach — ran from classic rock (“Don’t Stop Believin’”) to classic Broadway (“Do You Hear the People Sing?” from “Les Miserables”) to something called “The Trump Song,” a salsa-style number with a chorus of “Oh my God, I will vote / I will vote, for Donald Trump.”
Exclusively under the age of 30 the group also, of course, came to drink and meet people, including one attendee who quietly admitted to being a Kamala Harris voter.
文/Jesse McKinley 譯/羅方妤
島嶼曾經有「幾歲以下的人票不投某黨」的說法。紐時報導共和黨在20多歲年輕人之間受歡迎的程度,1987年美國電視影集Thirtysomething中文譯名是「三十而立」。共和黨不再是老古板的代表,美國搖滾團體Huey Lewis & The News的歌曲Hip to Be Square(1986)說老古板(square)也可以看起來很潮(hip/fashionable)。
紐時對川普的立場,不用多言,記者用fealty描寫年輕人對川普的死忠,這個字指的是中世紀對君王的宣誓效忠,跟民主時代宣誓效忠憲法很不一樣,前者是對個人,後者是對典章制度,用loyalty就夠了,fealty語帶揶揄。記者以商業用語「惡意併購」(hostile takeover)形容川普霸王硬上弓、強勢入主甘迺迪中心董事會並自任主席,頗為貼切。
美國新聞媒體對特定職位常用縮寫代替,POTUS是美國總統,FLOTUS是美國第一夫人,SCOTUS是聯邦最高法院(Supreme Court)。
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