紐時賞析/1992年美男籃夢幻隊唯一敗績 回顧那場鮮為人知的練習賽

Reliving 1992, When David Dunked on Goliath
Grant Hill is a seven-time NBA All-Star, Chris Webber a five-timer, and Penny Hardaway a four-timer. Allan Houston was selected twice, Jamal Mashburn once.
But back in 1992, they were just a bunch of college students playing a scrimmage against the U.S. men’s national basketball team, otherwise known as the Dream Team, which included Michael Jordan, Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, Charles Barkley, Patrick Ewing and six other future Hall of Famers. The odds that Hill and company could topple a squad that went on to destroy every opponent at the Olympic Games in Barcelona, Spain, by an average of 44 points seemed vanishingly thin.
The HBO documentary “We Beat the Dream Team” recounts the day in June 1992 when that shocker actually happened — when the Select Team, as this collection of youthful sparring partners was called, stunned the game’s biggest players.
Bobby Hurley, the Select Team’s point guard, pushed the pace and shredded the Dream Team’s defense with pinpoint passes. Houston buried threes. Webber was a force inside. Their elders looked complacent and sloppy, turning over the ball and even missing dunks as the game slipped away. The scrimmage lasted about 20 minutes, but the Select Team won, 62-54.
Because of a rule change made by the International Basketball Federation, the 1992 Games were the first Olympics in which NBA players were permitted to play. For the college players, who were a bit resentful because they had hoped to represent the United States at the Games, the scrimmage victory was the ultimate vindication.
But as the documentary makes clear, their victory was essentially buried. The coach of the Olympic team, Chuck Daly, made sure the scoreboard was shut off before reporters came into the gym. No one really talked about it in the media that day. (Daly had allowed only one camera to record the game.)
“We had this incredible experience that virtually no one knew about,” Hill said last week in a joint interview with the film’s director, Michael Tolajian.
The next day, the Dream Team took revenge and destroyed the youngsters, 102-55, which the Select Team accepted as fitting. Mike Krzyzewski, who was an assistant to Daly in 1992 , likened the Select Team to children who believe in Santa Claus.
“We Beat the Dream Team” marshals testimony from stars from the Dream Team, including Jordan, Johnson and Barkley. Those players shoot down Krzyzewski’s claim.
“Those kids kicked our butts,” Jordan says, adding that they “underestimated our opponent.”
文/Stuart Miller 譯/羅方妤
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