紐時賞析/當「魔戒」碰上日本動畫 導演神山健治如何呈現?
When ‘The Lord of the Rings’ Gets the Anime Treatment
When Warner Bros. approached filmmaker Peter Jackson and his longtime screenwriting partner Philippa Boyens about making a new animated “Lord of the Rings,” Boyens at first had a hard time wrapping her head around the notion. But when studio executives suggested that the film could be told via Japanese anime — suddenly it clicked.
They could tell a stand-alone story from J.R.R. Tolkien’s appendices about the people of the kingdom of Rohan, which has now become “The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim,” directed by Kenji Kamiyama. Jackson is one of the film’s executive producers and Boyens one of its producers.
“It was that moment of form meeting the story,” Boyens said in a video call. She said she thought anime would be an appealing approach because “it’s a story that ultimately deals with the wreckage of war, and that’s something that Japanese storytelling on film has been really good at telling.”
“The War of the Rohirrim” (in theaters) is the latest and most high-profile anime adaptation of a Western franchise to hit screens big and small.
When Jason DeMarco, a senior vice president at Warner Bros. Animation was brought on board to work on “War of the Rohirrim,” he quickly thought Kamiyama would be a good pick to direct, because of the animator’s experience in the fantasy genre and his work on similar projects involving Western companies before.
“There are some anime directors who would just be like, ‘No, I don’t care what Peter Jackson thinks,’” DeMarco said. But he said he knew Kamiyama would have the ability to “get what he felt was important and make this movie his,” but also take input from the film’s producers to create something that worked within the franchise.
On top of that, working within Hollywood came with time constrictions to meet planned release dates, Kamiyama added. But he knew that this was a unique opportunity for anime to reach an even wider audience.
“That kind of an outlet is not just an opportunity for me as a filmmaker, but it’s a groundbreaking new thing for Japanese anime,” he said.
The vibrancy of the visual language of anime — which exists on a heightened plane, not bound by rules of logic — is a good fit for Tolkien’s work, DeMarco said.
Plus, Boyens thinks Tolkien would have approved, based on how he furnished his living space at Oxford. “The first thing he bought was some Japanese prints,” Boyens said. “So, it made me go: Maybe this was meant to happen.”
文/Esther Zuckerman 譯/羅方妤
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