紐時賞析/曾為「國會最窮議員」 拜登面對川普勝選的反思與遺憾
A Reflective Biden Harbors Some Regrets as His Term Winds Down
卸任在即 拜登反思 不無遺憾
President Joe Biden has less than a month to go until his one-term presidency ends, and he is feeling reflective.
He is voicing regrets about his decision not to sign his name to COVID-19 relief checks and about his longtime reputation — once considered a virtue — of being the poorest lawmaker in Congress. And now, with a planned visit to meet with Pope Francis at the Vatican Jan. 10, the president is signaling that he may have additional issues on his mind. According to a person familiar with his plans for the trip, Biden will seek solace and “relief” as he exits the world stage. Francis, that person said, has become an ally and sounding board, trading occasional phone calls with Biden.
Earlier last month, in remarks at the Brookings Institution in Washington, Biden spoke about his long-held belief that the key to strengthening the U.S. economy is through bolstering the middle class. But he paused just long enough to touch on a story that he has shared countless times as a candidate and officeholder. “For 36 years, I was listed as the poorest man in Congress,” he told the crowd with a laugh, before adding, “What a foolish man.”
Given the current atmosphere, the joke carried the sting of bitter truth. The billionaires are at the White House gates, ushered in by voters who were again siding with a wealthy man whose politics are antithetical to Biden’s. In a month, Washington will be led again by Donald Trump, a man who has made no secret of his wealth or his appreciation for the wealth of others. One of his top advisers, Elon Musk, is by some counts the richest man in the world.
Biden has also openly stewed over one of Trump’s flashier — and apparently effective — stunts as president. During the same speech at Brookings, Biden said he had been “stupid” not to sign his name to COVID stimulus checks that were distributed to Americans early in his term. Trump emblazoned his signature on checks distributed after a relief bill was passed in the spring of 2020.
Biden and his advisers learned a little something from Trump’s tendency to scrawl his name on things. By 2023, signs touting infrastructure projects “funded by President Joe Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law” began popping up around the country. But those had little political impact compared with a signed check.
文/Katie Rogers 譯/羅方妤
狄更斯「小氣財神」(A Christmas Carol)的角色Jacob Marley:“No space of regret can make amends for one life’s opportunity misused!”珍奧斯汀「曼斯菲爾莊園」(Mansfield Park):He was suffering from disappointment and regret, grieving over what was, and wishing for what could never be.名家出手,文采斐然。
Reflective在本文中有沉思之意,像是in a very reflective mood,通thoughtful.這個字也有映照的意思:The school is reflective of society: the same problems that exist in society exist at the school.
拜登將教宗當成sounding board,這個與聲音有關的詞可跟echo chamber做比較,後者原指回音室,現在更常見的名稱是同溫層。Sounding board是某人做決定前會去徵詢的對象,通常是單數形態:John always used her as a sounding board for new ideas.
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