紐時賞析/拜登任內任命235名法官 女性、有色人種人數超越歷任總統

Biden Celebrates a Milestone on Judicial Confirmations After a Major Push by Democrats
President Joe Biden celebrated the confirmation of 235 federal judges over the course of his presidency, the culmination of an intense effort by Democrats in his term’s waning months to match President-elect Donald Trump’s total four years ago.
The 235 federal judges confirmed to lifetime positions by the Senate, including one Supreme Court justice, barely surpassed the 234 confirmed under Trump during his first term.
In reaching that milestone, Biden said his legacy would be creating a bulwark against threats to democracy and empowering individuals who would respect legal precedent — a subtle nod to the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade and other major reversals that occurred during his presidency.
“Together, these judges are going to hear cases on issues, ruling on from everything from whether Americans can cast their ballot, I mean literally how they can cast their ballot, when it will be counted,” Biden said. “Whether workers can unionize — I thought we settled that in 1934 — and make a living wage for their families; whether their children can breathe clean air and drink clean water.”
Flanked by Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York, the majority leader, and Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois, the chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Biden joked about the great lengths the three of them had gone through to hold votes on his nominees last year.
But he said the breakneck pace proved his administration’s commitment to elevating women and people of color to the federal judiciary; some two-thirds of his nominees fell into one or both categories.
“When I ran for president, I made a promise that I’d have a bench that looks like America, and taps into the full talents of this nation,” he said. “And I’m proud we’ve kept our commitment,” he continued, citing the “help of these two men, and many others” in “bolstering confidence in judicial decision making and outcomes.”
The 235 judges confirmed under Biden represent more than a quarter of all the judges on the federal bench, and the number of women and people of color included in the final tally outstripped all of Biden’s predecessors.
文/Zach Montague 譯/羅方妤
三權分立(separation of powers)將政府分為立法、行政、司法,所謂依法行政,國會立法後,行政部門執行,最後司法審查,相互監督制衡(checks and balances)。先賢的設計到了21世紀逐漸走調,本應中立的司法日漸政治化,連大法官也開始旗幟鮮明。這是紐時的弦外之音:先卡位。
簡單說,拜登任命人數破紀錄的聯邦法官(judge),著眼於聯邦最高法院。既然大法官(justice)可以任意推翻前輩的判例(legal precedent),拜登也不必客氣,火速任命。at breakneck speed/pace是危險的狂飆,放在名詞前面:He raced through the streets at breakneck speed.
Bulwark介係詞用against或of時意義不同:a bulwark against dictatorship/unemployment;the bulwark of the global security system/the bulwark of the nation's democracy.或者Religion was his bulwark.
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