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紐時賞析/避難所成鬼鎮…撤離俄軍戰火下的烏克蘭城市 傷亡風險高


In Bomb-Scarred Cities, Risking Life and Limb to Get Civilians to Safety

撤離戰火下的烏克蘭城市 傷亡風險

Vasyl Pipa is not a Ukrainian soldier, but his job can be as dangerous as fighting in the trenches. As members of the White Angels, a branch of the police that evacuates civilians from the front line, he and others take extreme risks to rescue some of the last civilians who remain close to the fighting.


Traveling to the Kurakhove region is like flooring it through a thicket of life-threatening risks: Jets, drones and artillery can annihilate an armored vehicle. Today, Russians control the city center, where fighting continues among the last few streets before the Kurakhove Power Station.


As the deadly Russian march forward intensifies, most Ukrainians are running for their lives. Most of those left behind are elderly, disabled and poor, with no means of relocating.


In Kurakhove, a small city in the southern reach of the Donetsk region, only about 800 residents, including children, remain from a prewar population of 18,220. They live in apartment building basements without electricity, running water or heating. Every day, the city is subjected to artillery fire, mortars and drone attacks.


With people stranded and no supplies, Pipa and his colleagues delivered food and supplies to the last open shop. Nothing would reach here without their help, leaving people to survive only on scarce canned food.


The fall of neighboring areas has brought Russian forces less than a mile away from Pokrovsk, turning it from a refuge for civilians into a ghost town. By November, the population had shrunk to about 11,400, from 60,000.


Russian drones have been stalking the local population, said the head of Pokrovsk’s military and civilian administration, Serhii Dobriak.


“A family was going to Novotroitske — a father, mother and son,” he said. “They saw that it was an ordinary civilian car, a Lada. But the drone hit them on purpose. It killed the son. The mother’s arm was torn off.”


Viktor Shotropa, 36, of Global Empowerment Mission, a disaster relief group, tries to ensure that aid reaches the people along the front line. Two 20-ton trucks from his agency containing about 1,500 food parcels are delivered daily to the Donetsk region.


“In Pokrovsk, the situation is just beginning,” he said. “We should prepare for the worst.”


文/Tyler Hicks and Gaëlle Girbes 譯/周辰陽

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