紐時賞析/聯合國報告:減少溫室氣體排放量 過去一年沒有任何進展


The U.N.’s Verdict on Climate Progress Over the Past Year: There Was None

過去一整年因應氣候 聯合國:沒進展

One year after world leaders made a landmark promise to move away from fossil fuels, countries have essentially made no progress in cutting emissions and tackling global warming, according to a United Nations report issued Thursday./span>


Global greenhouse gas emissions soared to a record 57 gigatons last year and are not on track to decline much, if at all, this decade, the report found. Collectively, nations have been so slow to curtail their use of oil, gas and coal that it now looks unlikely that countries will be able to limit global warming to the levels they agreed to under the 2015 Paris climate agreement./span>


“Another year passed without action means we’re worse off,” said Anne Olhoff, a climate policy expert based in Denmark and a co-author of the assessment, known as the Emissions Gap Report./span>


The report comes a month before diplomats from around the world are scheduled to meet in Baku, Azerbaijan, for annual U.N. climate talks, where countries will discuss how they might step up efforts to address global warming./span>


Lately, those efforts have faced huge obstacles./span>


Even though renewable energy sources like wind and solar are growing rapidly around the world, demand for electricity has been rising even faster, which means countries are still burning more fossil fuels each year. Geopolitical conflicts, from the U.S.-China rivalry to war in places like Ukraine and the Gaza Strip, have made international cooperation on climate change harder. And rich countries have failed to keep their financial promises to help poor countries shift away from oil, gas and coal./span>


The new U.N. report finds that at least 151 countries have formally pledged under the Paris climate agreement to curb their greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. If every country followed through on its stated plans, which is far from assured, then global emissions could be 3% to 11% lower at the end of the decade than they are today./span>


Over the past year, only the island nation of Madagascar has submitted a new, stronger pledge to curb emissions by 2030, despite exhortations by U.N. officials for all countries to bolster their plans./span>


文/Brad Plumer 譯/羅方妤

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