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Discovering "Me Time" in Kaohsiung

Photos by Carter | Left: Symbiosis Studio, Right: Luwei Pottery
Photos by Carter | Left: Symbiosis Studio, Right: Luwei Pottery

【◎Written by Winnie ◎Translation by Lin Yu-ciao ◎Photos by Carter】

 Because 21st-century life moves so fast, “Me Time” has become essential for relieving stress and reconnecting with oneself. To find inner peace, discover Kaohsiung's blend of nature-inspired living and ceramic art.

Symbiosis Studio(共生制所)

 Based in Kaohsiung's Ciaotou District, Symbiosis Studio combines a select shop concept with plants and design to showcase the diverse charm of greenery. Founder Siao-luo states, “Every plant can thrive symbiotically if placed in the right environment.” The studio features a fully black interior, creating a chic ambiance that draws attention to the intricate details of the plants. This aesthetic resonates with younger audiences and members of various subcultures.

Photo by Carter
Photo by Carter
 Plants are not just a celebration of nature's beauty but also a source of inner fulfillment. Through its custom services, Symbiosis Studio integrates greenery into everyday life, turning foliage into a symbol of trendiness and a therapeutic oasis. Siao-luo aims to challenge stereotypes about plants, positioning them as essential to nurturing life, sparking joy, and injecting creativity into daily living.

Symbiosis Studio Facebook:

Photo by Carter
Photo by Carter

Luwei Pottery(蘆葦陶)

 Luwei Pottery Studio, located in Kaohsiung's Fongshan District, was founded by Lu Yan-wei(盧彥瑋)and Chen Yu-an(陳于安). The studio's minimalist space conveys the serene charm of pottery. During the pandemic, Lu and Chen overcame challenges by transitioning from pottery workshops to designing indoor plant pots, successfully building their brand.

Photo by Carter
Photo by Carter
 The studio emphasizes a resilient “reed spirit,” reflected in its distinct artistic style: Lu focuses on capturing flowing curves and Chen excels at expressing a sense of stability through layered rock textures.

 Since its establishment in 2020, Luwei Pottery has gained domestic and international recognition. Its works have been cherished by collectors and major companies; some were selected for the 2022 International Coffee Cup Competition(國際咖啡杯大賽)and the 4th Taiwan Ceramics Awards(臺灣陶藝獎).

Luwei Pottery Facebook:

Photo by Carter
Photo by Carter

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