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Taiwanese French Duo Brings Taiwan's Unique Spirit to the World of Rum!

Photo by Carter
Photo by Carter

Taiwanese French Duo Brings Taiwan's Unique Spirit to the World of Rum!

【◎Written by Li Siao-ping ◎Translation by Lin Yu-ciao ◎Photos by Carter ◎Photo courtesy of Renaissance Distillery】

 Taiwanese French couple Ciou Lin-ya(邱琳雅)and her husband Olivier Caen(剛歐利文)grow sugarcane in Cishan and operate Taiwan's first rum distillery, Renaissance Distillery(文藝復興蘭姆酒廠). Their rum, which is a testament to the unique features of Taiwan's terroir, has received numerous international awards and put Taiwan on the world's rum map.

Photo by Carter
Photo by Carter
 Although rum is made from sugarcane and Taiwan has a history of being a sugarcane kingdom, during his first visit to Taiwan in 1998, Olivier was surprised to find it did not produce rum. Therefore, when they moved to Taiwan, he began growing sugarcane and producing rum. At first, Lin-ya did not want to be involved in rum production. However, after she attended an international wine and spirits fair with her husband, she began to understand his passion and expertise. She then decided to join him in founding Renaissance Distillery, with the goal of preserving Taiwan's sugarcane culture through rum.

(Left) Photo courtesy of Renaissance Distillery ; (Right) Photo by Carter
(Left) Photo courtesy of Renaissance Distillery ; (Right) Photo by Carter
 Rum is made with fresh sugarcane juice or molasses, which is then fermented, distilled, and aged in oak barrels. Factors like molasses, fermentation time, yeast, timing, barrel types, and climate conditions all influence the flavor. Olivier believes that making rum is an art form that requires constant innovation. He has collected over 50 types of oak barrels to experiment with flavors and continues to explore the endless possibilities of making rum.

 Despite receiving accolades and multiple international awards, the couple adheres to a philosophy of small-batch production. They are committed to developing new flavors instead of copying traditional rum recipes. This distinctive strategy, rather than targeting a vast market, emphasizes catering to individuals who genuinely appreciate and cherish Renaissance Rum, guaranteeing a one-of-a-kind, exceptional experience in every sip.

Renaissance Distillery Facebook:

Photo by Carter
Photo by Carter

※Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health and prohibited for individuals under the age of 18! Do not drink and drive!

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Taiwanese French Duo Brings Taiwan's Unique Spirit to the World of Rum!

 Taiwanese French couple Ciou Lin-ya(邱琳雅)and her husband Olivier Caen(剛歐利文)grow sugarcane in Cishan and operate Taiwan's first rum distillery, Renaissance Distillery(文藝復興蘭姆酒廠). Their rum, which is a testament to the unique features of Taiwan's terroir, has received numerous international awards and put Taiwan on the world's rum map.

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