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Gathering Together to Savor the Flavors of Kaohsiung

Photos by Carter
Photos by Carter

【◎Written by Winnie ◎Translation by Lin Yu-ciao ◎Photos by Carter ◎Photo courtesy of Mi Casita Mexican Cuisine Restaurant】

 Gathering with family and friends is the perfect opportunity to enjoy delicious food. Whether at a Mexican restaurant or indulging in classic Chinese cuisine, there are many restaurants to try in Kaohsiung.

Mi Casita Mexican Cuisine Restaurant(米卡希達墨西哥餐廳)

 "Mi Casita" means "my little nest" or "home" in Spanish. This quaint restaurant captures Taiwanese Mexican Alenna Yayoi's memories and embodies her childhood growing up with her grandmother in Mexico.

Mi Casita Mexican Cuisine Restaurant/ (Left)Photo courtesy of Mi Casita Mexican Cuisine Restaurant ; (Right) Photo by Carter
Mi Casita Mexican Cuisine Restaurant/ (Left)Photo courtesy of Mi Casita Mexican Cuisine Restaurant ; (Right) Photo by Carter
 One of her top recommendations is the Crispy Fish Taco. This delightful dish is a testament to the vibrant flavors and culinary traditions of Mexican cuisine. Alenna suggests trying it more authentically: fold it, tilt your head back at a 45-degree angle, and savor it in three bites.

 "Mi Casita" is more than just a restaurant; it is a heartfelt tribute to Alenna Yayoi's cultural heritage. Come and enjoy a unique and authentic taste of Mexico. Alenna hopes everyone can experience a piece of her home and the warmth of her grandmother's kitchen.

Mi Casita Mexican Cuisine Restaurant Facebook:

MAD Eatery(MAD小餐館)

 Chef Dasyong, the heart and soul of MAD Eatery, has been running this establishment for 12 years. His extensive experience working in hotels and fine dining is evident in every dish. He selects the freshest local ingredients and has crafted a menu inspired by seasonal produce. From Milkfish Spread to Paper-Wrapped Penghu Seafood, each dish is a unique blend of Min-Hakka family traditions and Western culinary techniques, creating exciting and layered flavors. Chef Dasyong hopes his restaurant guests will always enjoy his masterful take on the distinct flavors of Taiwan.

MAD Eatery Facebook:

MAD Eatery (Photo by Carter)
MAD Eatery (Photo by Carter)

Yangtse River Restaurant(江南春餐廳)at the Howard Plaza Hotel(高雄福華大飯店)

 The Yangtse River Restaurant, located in the Howard Plaza Hotel, is a treasure for food lovers in Kaohsiung. Dedicated to preserving authentic Jiangsu, Jhejiang, and Shanghai flavors, famous dishes include Jhenjiang Chilled Crystal Ham, Dongpo Pork, Pickled Cabbage and Pork Hot Pot, and Sweet Fermented Tangyuan Soup.

 Guests particularly enjoy the unique experience of hearing the bell ring when the signature dish, Hanging Oven Imperial Duck, is served. They are then treated to the sight of the chef skillfully slicing the duck at the table, making it a truly engaging and cultural experience for foodies.

Yangtse River Restaurant (Photos by Carter)
Yangtse River Restaurant (Photos by Carter)
 With each dish, especially the signature Hanging Oven Imperial Duck, diners are treated to a blend of tradition and artistry. It's a must-visit destination for anyone seeking an authentic taste of Chinese cuisine in Kaohsiung.

Yangtse River Restaurant at the Howard Plaza Hotel Official website:

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Gathering Together to Savor the Flavors of Kaohsiung

 Gathering with family and friends is the perfect opportunity to enjoy delicious food. Whether at a Mexican restaurant or indulging in classic Chinese cuisine, there are many restaurants to try in Kaohsiung.


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Spring Camping Fun!

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Discover Romantic Cherry Blossoms in Baoshan

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