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紐時賞析/美國2024電力需求突暴增3% 減排陷入停滯


U.S. Emissions Push Stalled in '24 as Power Needs Rose

能源需求激增 美國去年減排陷停滯

America’s efforts to cut its climate change pollution stalled in 2024, with greenhouse gas emissions dropping just a fraction, 0.2%, compared with the year before, according to estimates published Thursday by the Rhodium Group, a research firm.


Despite continued rapid growth in solar and wind power, emissions levels stayed relatively flat last year because demand for electricity surged, which led to a spike in the amount of natural gas burned by power plants.


The fact that emissions didn’t decline much means the United States is even further off-track from hitting President Joe Biden’s goal of slashing greenhouse gases 50% below 2005 levels by 2030. Scientists say all major economies would have to cut their emissions deeply this decade to keep global warming at relatively low levels.


Since 2005, United States emissions have fallen roughly 20%, while the economy has expanded. But to meet its climate goals, U.S. emissions would need to decline nearly 10 times as fast each year as they’ve fallen over the past decade. That seems increasingly unlikely, experts say, especially since President-elect Donald Trump has promised to dismantle Biden’s climate policies and promote the production of fossil fuels.


“On the one hand, it is notable that we’ve now seen two years in a row where the U.S. economy grew but emissions went down,” said Ben King, an associate director at the Rhodium Group. “But it’s far from enough to achieve our climate targets.”


The biggest reason that U.S. emissions have fallen in recent years is that electric utilities have been retiring their older, dirtier coal-fired power plants and replacing them with cheaper and less-polluting natural gas, wind and solar power.


The nation’s demand for electricity, which has stayed more or less flat for two decades, suddenly jumped by roughly 3% in 2024, in large part because scorching heat during the summer caused many Americans to crank up their air conditioners. A smaller factor was that tech companies have been building more energy-hungry data centers in states like Virginia and Texas.


While power companies installed large numbers of wind turbines, solar panels and batteries last year to meet rising demand, natural gas use also rose to record highs, while coal use declined only slightly. The net result was that emissions from the power sector increased an estimated 0.2%, according to the Rhodium Group.


文/Brad Plumer 譯/羅方妤



美國減少溫室氣體排放量的績效不彰,stall是停滯不前或蓄意拖延:The economic recovery has stalled.或The defence asked for more DNA tests, which the prosecution claimed was just a stalling tactic.法庭上檢辯攻防,為爭取時間使出(adopt)拖延戰術並不罕見,也可說delaying tactics,這時通常用複數。

拜登政府制定減碳的高標準,slash是大幅削減:Public spending has been slashed over the past two years.近義字的比較請參https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/reduce.搖滾樂團Guns N' Roses的主音吉他手也用這個字當藝名。

人亡政息,拜規川不隨。Dismantle有(小心)拆卸的意思:They dismantled the machine and shipped it in pieces.也有徹底摧毀的意思:The Detroit Tigers dismantled the Chicago White Sox 16-0.另指廢除某個系統或組織,通常是漸進:He accuses them of trying to dismantle the country's legal system.司法不受信任,是民主國家的不幸。

拜登 減排 紐時賞析 美國 能源政策



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